
Friday, September 30, 2011

Delicous Doodles #3 - The Unexpected

Over at Delicious Doodles we have a very fun challenge going on... "The unexpected"... I fought for a while to come up with something for this challenge, that is until I saw this image. I had to create a tag out of it to attach to this bag of fresh baked cookies for a friend. I laughed out load as I took it over to her... She thought I was off my rocker, but we both got a good old fashion giggle out of it.
I would love to see what unexpected thing you can come up with over at Delicious Doodles! Come join the fun!


  1. Bwahahaha - Excellent... but has she actually eaten one yet ??????
    AWESOME colouring on this creation - I love it :-)
    Ike xxxxx

  2. Made me laugh...poison cookies, eh? (thinks about all the times she's eaten Jodi's cookies...and, thankfully, survived). Very fun tag! I really like the scrolled sentiment tags.
